Jumat, 07 November 2008


For Anyone Who's Ever Gone Through a Relationship Breakup or Divorce...

How To Stop Your Pain, Let Go Of The Past and Heal Your Broken Heart After A Relationship Breakup or Divorce...

"Give us the next 5 minutes, and continue reading the information on this web page and we'll show you, or anyone, how to get over a relationship breakup or divorce and heal your broken heart using the same secrets we use with our relationship coaching clients - no matter how impossible this may seem to you right now!"

Relationship Coaches Susie and Otto Collins,
authors of "Communication Magic," "Should You Stay or Should You Go?"
"No More Jealousy," "The Relationship Attractor Factor" and Many More...

Dear Friend,

If you're like everyone else who's been through a relationship breakup or divorce, you know that the pain of a breakup or divorce (especially one you didn't want) can be excruciating!

The trouble for many people after their breakup or divorce is that this pain can be so unbearable that without realizing it, they unknowingly do some things that are counter-productive to healing their pain. They actually stay stuck in that pain, sometimes forever.

Sometimes, even when you think that you have dealt with the pain of the breakup or divorce and put your past relationship behind you, there's still more healing work to be done. You just didn't realize it.

Sometimes, you'll hear a song on the radio or one might pop into your head that reminds you of a certain time and person that you were with.

Other times, someone will say or do something that reminds you of a past relationship and you realize that even though days, weeks, months or even years may have passed, there's still more healing to be done.

The Biggest Myth Of All About What It Takes To
Heal After a Relationship Break up or Divorce...

Nearly every one we've ever talked to after a break up or divorce has said that the most important factor in the healing process is time.

While we agree that time passing is important in the healing process, it's not the only factor that is important (as some people believe it is).

If time passing is the only thing that needs to happen in order for us to heal our pain and broken heart, then all we would need to do is let a certain amount of time pass and poof- just like magic- our pain would be gone and our hearts healed.

Unfortunately, this isn't the way the healing process works. It isn't just the time that's important. It's what we do with that time that determines whether we heal our hearts or not.

If time passing was the most important factor in healing after a breakup or divorce, then it would be like having a baby--a certain period of time passes and we get a desired result. In the case of the pregnant woman, if all goes well, about 9 months later, out comes a new baby boy or girl.

If it worked the same way in healing after a break up, a certain amount of time would pass and "presto" our heart would magically be healed and we would then be able to go into any new relationship with anyone in the future without any baggage from our past.

If this were the way it really was, it would be great. But the truth is that we all know people who've experienced a relationship break up or divorce and many months or years later, they are still angry, bitter and holding onto the pain of that past relationship.

If you ever hope to heal your heart and find the courage to truly open yourself up to love again, you're going to have to do some things besides simply letting time pass.

But what should you do besides let time pass in order to heal your heart and truly get over your break up or divorce?

That's a great question and we'll answer it this way...

The Most Important Things You MUST Do To Get Over Your
Relationship Break Up or Divorce and Heal Your Broken Heart...

Why is it that some people heal quickly after a relationship break up or divorce and others seem to live with a broken heart forever?

What we have discovered is that no two break ups or divorces are the same. The challenges and issues are as different as night and day, but when we started doing our research to find the most common questions people like you had about how to heal a broken heart after a break up or divorce, some similarities and commonalities started to pop up.

What we've done is put together our thoughts, insights and answers to these top questions about how to heal from a break up or divorce. We've also included the stories of how people from all over the world have healed or are healing from their breakups or divorces.

If you want to know these answers to the most important questions that almost everyone has about how to heal after a break up or divorce, then we have some important news for you.

We've just released a brand new book and audio program that answers the most important and urgent questions on the mind of someone who is going through or has gone through a relationship break up or divorce and wants to know how to best deal with the issues that are still present for them so they can continue to heal the pain of the past, let go and move on with as much ease and grace as possible.

This book and audio program is called "How To Heal Your Broken Heart: The Secrets To Getting Over a Relationship Break Up or Divorce."

If getting over a relationship breakup or divorce and healing your heart is important to you, then you'll want to get your copy right now.

With what you'll learn in our "How To Heal Your Broken Heart" book and audio program-- the steps to getting over a break up or divorce and creating a compelling future have never been easier!

Here's a partial list of what you'll learn in the brand new book and audio program "How To Heal Your Broken Heart..."

  • What are the 10 steps to healing from a relationship breakup or divorce?

  • How can you avoid staying stuck in your pain after a break up or divorce?

  • How can you get clear about what you want for a new relationship and how can you create it?

  • What should you do in order to heal when you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts about yourself, your ex or your relationship that ended?

  • What attitude should you adopt about all your past relationships that didn't work out to help you bring more love into your life in the future?

  • What is the REAL reason we all come together in relationships?

  • What are some simple ideas you can apply in your life about healthy ways to deal with the pain or trauma of a break up?

  • What is the biggest myth out there about how to deal with your broken heart and what are the consequences you'll have to deal with if you buy into this myth?

  • What are some tricks for dealing with the fear and low self-esteem that comes as a result of a relationship breakup or divorce?

  • What are the best ways to deal with the pain caused by fear of failure after the break up or divorce?

  • How can you reduce or get rid of the self-deprecating thoughts after a break up or divorce?

  • What do you do if you are feeling like a failure because of the divorce or breakup?

  • How do you replace pain with possibility and positive thoughts after a relationship breakup or divorce?

  • How can you understand why you may have stayed too long?

  • How do you readjust to not having that person in your life anymore?

  • What is the single biggest mistake you should not make after going through a break up or divorce if you want to heal?

  • How can you find new meaning in your life after a relationship breakup or divorce?

  • How do you deal with trying to forgive and forget when you are still hurting so much?

  • How can you see your part in the break up or divorce without beating yourself up?

  • Why is "letting go" so essential if you are going to move from where you are now to having a happy, healthy and more joyful life?

  • What are most powerful questions you should ask yourself to help you with the letting go process?

  • How do you deal with all the "what ifs" and "should haves" that pop into your mind after a break up or divorce?

  • How do you stop yourself from thinking that you could have done more to save the relationship or marriage?

  • How do you know when it is no longer beneficial to continue to dissect what went right and what went wrong and whether you should have stayed or not?

  • How do you give up the feeling that you have been robbed of your future because of the break up or divorce?

  • How do you let go of someone you thought you'd be with for the rest of your life?

  • How do you get your previous partner or spouse out of your head when you are in bed trying to get to sleep?

  • How do you completely get rid of someone if you don't want them in your life anymore?

  • How do you get over breaking the vow-- "till death do us part?"

  • How do you get over a relationship when you still have a strong feeling that that person is your soul mate?

  • How do you get over the guilt now that the relationship has ended?

  • What is the fastest and most efficient way to learn to forgive the other person and yourself after the breakup or divorce?

  • How do you stop getting triggered in a new relationship about previous partners?

  • How do you get closure if he or she won't talk to you?

  • Is it healthy to stay in touch with or attached to someone after a break up?

  • How can you make a clean "break" and is it possible to remain "friends" after a break up or divorce?

  • How do you explain the breakup to your children and deal with their feelings?

  • How do you deal with the fear of the unknown while keeping optimistic and confident about your future after a break up or divorce?

  • What is the single biggest thing you'll need to do in order to move on after a break up or divorce?

  • How long should you wait after a break up or divorce to get into another relationship?

  • How will you be able to find a loving partner again?

  • How do you keep past hurts in the past and keep them from ruining new relationships?

  • How to you maintain a good relationship with your children after the divorce or breakup?

  • How do you move on when you have to deal with strained co-parenting issues?

  • When do you know that you've truly let go, moved on and found the answer to the lesson to be learned from your past relationship?

  • And much more...

"All I Can Say is 'WOW!' Susie and Otto's book, "How To Heal your Broken Heart" is easily the best book on the subject of getting over a relationship break up or divorce."

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